I can't keep making up stories, Leslie.

거짓말로 둘러대는 거 그만하자, 레슬리

I am not a kid anymore, Nana.

전 이제 애가 아니에요, 할머니

Then go be a big boy.

그럼 어른답게 행동해



What do they say? One is the loneliest number?

사람들이 그러지, 1은 외로운 숫자라고



The morals were always, "If you're good, and if you follow the rules, if you don't lie and you don't chear,
교훈은 늘 이거였어, '착하게 살고 규칙에 따르고 거짓말하거나 속이지 마라'

"If you're good, you'll get good things. And if you're a dick, you get punished."
'착한 사람은 복을 받지만 나쁜 놈은 벌을 받는다'

What if the people who made up those stories are the dicks?
그런 이야기는 나쁜 놈들이 만드는 거 아닐까?

 Are you following her?
이해가 돼?

Mmm.. Mas o monos.
뭐 조금은

What if the bad people made all that up?
나쁜 놈들이 짜놓은 판일지도 몰라

so the good people never get anything good?
착한 사람들은 남 좋은 일만 하는 거지


Where were you?
어디 갔었어?

I had to do somethinf really, really important.
진짜 중요한 일이 있었어

What's more important than me?
나보다 중요한 일이 뭔데?

There is literally nothing in my entire life that is more important to me than you.
내 인생을 아무리 탈탈 털어도 너보다 중요한 건 없어

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