The morals were always, "If you're good, and if you follow the rules, if you don't lie and you don't chear,
교훈은 늘 이거였어, '착하게 살고 규칙에 따르고 거짓말하거나 속이지 마라'

"If you're good, you'll get good things. And if you're a dick, you get punished."
'착한 사람은 복을 받지만 나쁜 놈은 벌을 받는다'

What if the people who made up those stories are the dicks?
그런 이야기는 나쁜 놈들이 만드는 거 아닐까?

Are you following her?
이해가 돼?

Mmm.. Mas o monos.
뭐 조금은

What if the bad people made all that up?
나쁜 놈들이 짜놓은 판일지도 몰라

so the good people never get anything good?
착한 사람들은 남 좋은 일만 하는 거지