White Walls

하얀 벽

I look and I see white everywhere: white walls, white floors, and a lot of white people.

눈에 보이는 건 모두 하얀색이다: 하얀 벽과 바닥, 하얀 피부의 사람들

The teachers do not know I have no idea of anything they are talking about.

선생들은 내가 이해 못하는 걸 모른다.

I do not wanna listen to anyone, especially the teachers.

누구 말도 듣기 싫다 선생들은 더더욱

They are giving homework and expecting me to do the problems on my own.

숙제를 내주며 풀어오라고 하지만

I have never done homework in my life.

난 숙제란 걸 해본 적이 없다.

I go to the bathroom, look in the mirror and say: 'This is not Michael Oher.'

화장실 거울을 보며 나는 말한다 '이건 내가 아니야'라고 


You're changing that boy's life.

넌  그 애의 삶을 바꿔줬잖아.

No, He's changing mine.

아니, 바뀐 건 내 인생이야.


Shame on you.

부끄러운 줄 알아.


I want you to do whatever you want.

나는 네가 하고 싶은 것을 하기 바래.

It is your decison, Michael. it's your life.

네가 결정해. 네 인생이니까.



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