I think it's time to change things up a bit.
나보내긴 아쉽지만 변화를 줄 때가 된 듯해서요

I thought the exact same thing.
저도 딱 그 생각이었어요

I'm sorry?

You know, you see somthing shiny and new, and you just forget about what you got.
반짝거리는 새것을 보면 손 안의 것을 잊게 마련인데

But once you upgrade, those memories they come back and they haunt you.
업그레이드하는 순간 함께한 추억이 계속 재생되죠

You know, like a road trip with the kids.
아이들과 떠난 자동차 여행이라든가

Uh, I don't have kids.
아이는 없어요

The fun stuff you did in the back seat in high scool.
고등학교 때 뒷자석에서 장난치던 일이라든가

I haven't had it that long, so
그렇게 오래 탄 건 아니라서

The crazy thing is, you thought you were the one sick of her, and you'd do anything to get her back.
그렇게 넌더리 난다고 생각했던 주제에 이젠 되찾으려고 별짓 다 하죠

You do sell cars here, right?
차 파시는 거 맞나요?

Don't give up on your Celica.
셀리카를 포기하지 마세요

Maybe if we test drove it
시운전이라도 좀

You'll regret it.
후회하실 겁니다

Yeah, uh, Okay.
네, 알았어요